Gathr–Frequently asked Questions
more about theatrical on demand
What is Gathr®?
Gathr® allows you to bring Sprinter to a venue near you. It’s called Theatrical On Demand®. The goal is to unite as many people with Sprinter as possible in a theater setting that allows viewers to tune out distractions and immerse themselves in this story.
How do Gathr® screenings happen?
Requested Gathr® screenings can only happen if a minimum number of people reserve tickets before a screening request expires. Every screening page shows you the number of current reservations, the number of additional reservations needed to tip the screening, as well as how much time remains before that screening request expires. When enough people reserve tickets to a screening before time expires, the screening takes place. If the minimum number of reservations is not met, the screening does not take place and nobody is charged.
How do I reserve or purchase a ticket to a movie?
Enter your location/zip code on the map widget at the “organize a screening” page. If there’s a screening, it shows up as a dot on the map. Click the dot!
What’s the difference?
If the minimum number of tickets have not yet been reserved, the dot is dark green and you will be prompted to reserve a ticket by pre-authorizing your credit card
When will my credit card be charged?
Your credit card will only be charged once the screening has met the minimum number of reservations. If the screening has reached its minimum number of attendees, the dot appears bright green and your ticket purchase will be processed immediately. If the minimum number of attendees is not met in the time frame given, the screening does not take place and nobody is charged. The movie I want to see does not have a screening in my area.
Can I organize this screening as a fundraiser?
Gathr has been instrumental in grassroots theatrical releases for movies across America. Plenty of those screenings are hosted by nonprofit groups, so if you're thinking of doing the same, your movie screening should be right at home. You can use this screening as an opportunity to raise awareness and galvanize your community into action. You can also use our Donation Tool to raise money for your non-profit!
While you are welcome to fundraise in conjunction with the screening, Gathr can only be involved with the ticketing aspect of the film, and will not take on any fundraising duties. Additionally, due to our commitments to the filmmaker and to the venue, we are unable to alter ticket prices.
Once you have set up your screening and added a donate button to the event, contact us directly and we will help set up language about your organization to help raise awareness.
What can I do to make my screening happen?
Start with your friends and family, and anyone you think would be interested in seeing the film. Share across Facebook and Twitter, and use our screening guide to easily get the word out. Be creative - the more ways you spread the word about your movie event, the more likely it will happen!
What are the responsibilities of a Movie Captain?
As a Captain, we're counting on you to tell your community about the scheduled screening, and direct them to your screening page to reserve tickets. Remember: a screening can only happen if enough tickets are reserved in advance, so we need you to help spread the word about why your requested film should be screened in your city!
Will the director attend and do a Q&A after the screening?
Yes, if their schedules permit and their travel costs are covered. Contact press@filmrise.com
What if the local press wants to do a story, who should they contact?
Contact press@filmrise.com
For help setting up or for questions about your screening, contact us directly:
Hours: 8AM-7PM PST
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