"'Sprinter' is a glimpse of the flash of brilliance that Jamaican cinema can produce."
"An Inspirational Coming-of-Age Story With The Heart, Soul And Spirit Of Jamaica"
“Sprinter is an exhilarating inspirational story of immigration conflicts, family, perseverance and love.”
"Storm Saulter's Sprinter Runs Straight From the Heart" - Awards Circuit
“A beautiful and triumphant film. What the film also importantly illustrates is the struggle so many immigrants’ families feel when mothers or fathers are forced to separate from their children in order to find a better life in another country so they can send money back home.” - The Knockturnal
“Sprinter makes a mad dash straight for the audience’s gut. It’s heartfelt in its delivery. The kind of exuberant glee emblematic of so many great sports films.” - Variety
“Saulter displays a great eye with his thoughtfully shot drama that captures life in Jamaica in a way that is rarely seen on screen.” - The Los Angeles Times
“One of those rare films that will grow by the positive word-of-mouth. Every single frame is beautiful to look at and under director Saulter’s expert eye, he makes Jamaica look like a paradise lost which matches the intensity of the story. Powerful. A must see.” – Los Angeles Sentinel
"More than the average jock film, it’s about the power of family, of loyalty, sacrifice, and love.”
“Compelling, moving, heartbreaking and uplifting”
“Wrapped inside this sports movie about a fictional sprinter from Jamaica are familiar themes about family, loyalty, and potential. And at its best, Sprinter, is a story that digs deep into all these threads.”
“Sprinter is most definitely a film that one should check out, regardless of being a track & field fan.” - Geeks of Color